Remarkable Komodo Island adventure

Komodo dragon

Last Updated on March 2, 2025 by Ellen

We retired early to travel the world and see Earth and her creatures, including the rare, carnivorous, wild Komodo dragons. So we took a trip that turned out to be a fantastic Komodo Island adventure!

We keep thinking about what a great trip it was – and what a great, low price we paid. We cannot recommend it enough to fellow travelers before the price goes way up. The Indonesian government might raise the price for Komodo Island as high as $1,000 to fight ‘overtourism’.

Komodo National Park, Indonesia, is listed by Lonely Planet as one of the Top Value Destinations of 2020. National Geographic often has Komodo as one of the top 10 tour destinations in Asia (and it recommends tour operators at ridiculously expensive prices).

Once we got back to fast internet, we uploaded more pictures of our Komodo trip and made this video. So if you can’t get to the Komodo National Park, this is a sample of what our Komodo Island adventure was like.

Previous posts on this Komodo Island adventure:

Part 1: Astonishing Komodo dragon and island adventure

Part 2: Total cost for the overnight Komodo National Park journey

Part 3: Exactly what to expect on the Komodo overnight tour boat

Komodo dragons are amazing, terrifying, real-world monsters. They’ll eat almost anything, including humans. They can grow to 10 feet long and can weigh 300 pounds. They’ve been around Earth forever.

komodo island adventure shot of dragon claw

We’ve left Indonesia, for now. But man oh man, we won’t ever forget that epic adventure! Not only were the Komodo dragons fascinating, but the beautiful beaches, sweet sunrise, and excellent snorkeling made this overnight trip unforgettable.

We advise anyone who wants to take a similar journey to the Komodo National Park to read news updates on the admission fee. The official site is also worth checking.

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