A trip to Xcalak, Mexico, in pictures

Last Updated on March 3, 2025 by Ellen

A new day, full of possibilities!

We took a small bus to Xcalak, a village south of Mahahual.

The road was newly paved for some of the 45 minute ride.

The bus stop was nondescript, and beautiful.

Some of the sights around the village:

Only one place in town was open for breakfast: Restaurant Silvia.
Silvia’s is a cute place, with beach decor and a working well inside.
No prices on the menu – only eggs and meat advertised.
But the cook made me (a pescatarian) quesadillas and fries.
Next, a long, hot walk to a beach bar that sells craft brew.
No stores here – people put up signs for what they need to buy.
Eventually, a mirage in the desert for my husband:
And then, finally, the beach bar at Costa de Cocos!
A cold, craft brew – not easy to find in this part of the world.
Next on tap – a porter! Just look at that smile!
I enjoyed cold soda and the view.
The coconut shrimp is highly recommended, and we agree.
We hitched a ride back (thank heavens!) and cooled off on the dock.
us in xcalak - how Mexico changed me for the better
Everyone was friendly, even the military.

Gracias por un buen dia, Xcalak!

colorful fishing boats against the bluest sky you ever saw in xcalak - how Mexico changed me for the better
Pronounced SHKA-lock.


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