Breast Cancer ‘Detection’ Month

I call October ‘Breast Cancer Early Detection Month’ because we are all ‘aware’ by now, no?

You have more of a chance to save your breasts — and your life — if you catch breast cancer early.

I know so many women who ate right, exercised, never smoked, didn’t drink much alcohol, had kids, and had no family history of breast cancer — yet they got it. Also, I know women UNDER 40 with it.

Personally, I was high risk: an alcoholic, pack-a-day smoker for many years, never had kids, and breast cancer runs on both sides of my family. That’s why I got a mammogram every year starting at 40 — including the years I began our budget slow travel adventure.

I was diagnosed at 46 with early stage breast cancer (T1aN0, triple positive on final pathology report).

Early detection saved my life. Today I’m 53.

So ladies, *please*: schedule a 3D mammogram today.

Right now.

Find a way to get it done despite busy schedules, insurance issues, and/or fear. And if you’re a budget slow traveler like me – read how how to find a doctor overseas in our global health care guide.

Life is Now!

Pictured: my “flattie” self on Itsukushima Island, Japan, some weeks ago. I chose not to get fake breasts after a double mastectomy— but that’s another story.

Thanks for reading, “Breast Cancer ‘Detection’ Month.”

Read Ellen’s interview with Cancer Commons on having breast cancer while traveling.

Ellen has another website for those diagnosed with *really early stage breast cancer. Better imaging – and now AI predictions – are diagnosing breast cancer earlier than ever before, and doctors consider such early stages of the disease as a gray area when it comes to treatment.

To read more about triple positive early stage breast cancer, visit

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